Langjährige Kundenbeziehungen sind für uns keine Floskel, sondern Programm.
Wir möchten nicht nur Kunden gewinnen, sondern mit ihnen auch langfristig partnerschaftlich zusammenarbeiten. Im Folgenden sehen Sie eine Auswahl an Unternehmen, mit denen wir arbeiten – übrigens gerne auch mit Ihnen!

adlytics helped us reimagine our website tracking implementation and created a customized solution that was both scalable and reliable. As a partner and consultant, adlytics consistently provides elegant solutions to complex analytic and reporting problems.
Andreas Dierl committed over 5 years to the Adobe Analytics Customer Advisory Board (CAB), providing insight and feedback on how to improve our offering. His dedication to his customers is evident by him dialing into calls in his evening time, paying to travel to the Adobe Summit and CAB meetings and talking with our product teams for a total of 100s of hours over the years. Andreas is a rock star in my eyes!
Andreas was a fantastic member of the Adobe Analytics Customer Advisory Board for many years. I always appreciated getting insight and advice from Andreas. He has the ability to see through confusion to find the core problem. I recommend Andreas for anything that requires real problem solving, grit, and intelligence.